
Summa Logica LLC was founded in 2024 to meet demand for expert business optimization services

Executive Strategy Planning

Open Publishing

Whole Systems Analysis

Executive Strategy Planning

  1. Mission
  2. Objective
  3. Strategy
  4. Tactics

Make the M.O.S.T. of your planning. Use Summa’s structured strategic planning process to maximize the efficiency of your organization’s aggregate utility.


Do not go frontal against an overwhelming force. Use flanking, fragment, multipoint, choke-point, or another offensive strategy until you have an overwhelming advantage.

Develop/Defend/Attack – Know when you are in each posture and choose the correct one for maximum effect of your utility.


In the process of courting and landing a publisher, new authors sacrifice net income to the publisher because publishers sow fear, uncertainty, and doubt to gain inequitable contracts.

Summa Logica LLC offers a haven for those who wish to publish and maintain control of their work. No sales pitch. No frustration. Just assistance, knowledge, and confidence for independent authors.

Summa Logica LLC offers recommendations for printing companies, fulfillment services, book designers, editors, and online stores.

Whole Systems Analysis

Summa Logica LLC looks at a system as several unit-disciplines comprising the multiple-discipline whole system.

For example, when covid began, John Beaudoin, Sr. sent a single slide of a flowchart to the White House as a guide to model and analyze the whole system of covid. That slide includes Economics, Epidemiology, Microbiology, Physics, Psychology, and Sociology.

If each mitigation measure is not studied from the viewpoints of multiple disciplines, then how do they know whether the net effect of the mitigation measure on the whole system is positive or negative?


If a mitigation measure saves one covid death, but 2 die from ventilators, 3 die from modRNA injections, 5 die from withholding treatment such as antibiotics, 2 die in suicides, and another 2 die in drug overdoses, then the loss of 14 will not be known because they did not study the whole system; and the government will purport to have saved one life from covid without knowledge or mention of the 14 they killed through “recommendations.”